To host your status page on your own subdomain for eg:, you need to set up a custom domain. Here's how:
- Go to Status page customization > Domain URL
- Paste your custom domain in the 'Custom domain URL' field
- Click the 'Generate CNAME' button and copy the CNAME key and value
- Login to your domain control panel (DCP)
- Go to the DNS or Name Servers section
- Create a new CNAME record and enter your custom URL under the 'Name/Host/Alias' field.
- Under the 'Points to' field, enter the URL shown under the 'Your status page's URL' section in Freshstatus (see image above)
- Enter a time to live (TTL) between 10 minutes to 1 hour, or leave this field in its default settings
- Save these changes to your DNS records
This screenshot was taken from GoDaddy's DCP. The service you use may look different
- In your DCP, create a new CNAME record. Paste the CNAME key and CNAME value (copied from Step 1) into the 'Name/Host/Alias' and 'Points to' fields respectively
- Enter a time to live (TTL) between 10 minutes to 1 hour, or leave this field in its default settings
- Save these changes to your DNS records
This screenshot was taken from GoDaddy's DCP. The service you use may look different
- Go to Status page customization > Custom domain URL in Freshstatus
- Click the 'Verify' button
- On successful verification, the button will change to a green 'Verified' label
- Open the custom domain in a new tab or browser to ensure
You can now use the custom domain to access your status page.
Note: You will still need to use the status page's URL to access your account and create incidents.
SSL for Custom Domain
Currently, we do not support SSL for custom domains. We are working on a custom domain for SSL.

If you still need help, please reach us at [email protected]. Hope this helps :)