Subscribers can follow your status page and receive updates regarding your services via email.
While creating the status page, you can either add subscribers manually or allow them to subscribe to your status page. You can even allow them to receive notifications about the services that matter to them.
To manage your subscribers:
Go to 'Settings' on the sidebar to the right
Click on 'Manage Subscribers' under 'User Management'
Adding a single subscriber
1. Click on the '+New' button at the top right corner
2. Enter the subscriber's e-mail ID
3. Switch off the 'Send subscriber verification email' toggle if you'd like to skip it
4. Select the services regarding which you'd like the subscriber to receive notifications (requires enabling in Settings> Subscription and access control > Status page privacy)
5. Click 'Save' to add the subscribers
Importing subscribers from a spreadsheet
1. Click the 'Import' button at the top right corner
2. Click on the 'Choose file' button to upload a CSV file with the list of subscriber emails
3. Switch off the 'Send subscriber verification email' toggle if you'd like to skip it
4. Select the services you'd like the subscribers to receive notifications regarding
Note: The added subscribers will only receive email notifications.
Deleting a subscriber
1. On the 'Manage subscribers' page, open the menu in line with each subscriber
2. Click 'Delete' and confirm in the subsequent popup to successfully delete the subscriber. Please note that this action is irreversible
Managing subscription channels
Subscribers can receive notifications about your services via Email, Webhook, Twitter, and RSS/ATOM. To offer these channels and allow subscribers to subscribe to them:
1. Go to Settings > Subscription options
2. Click the 'Subscription options' tab
3. Toggle the channels you'd like to include
Subscribers will be shown these options when they visit your status page and hit the 'Subscribe' button.
Follow incident
Subscribers can also follow active incidents and receive notifications when you add updates to the incident. They can do so by clicking the 'Follow' button in the 'Ongoing incidents' section of your status page.
You can track the number of followers the incident had by opening the incident and looking under 'Incident followers' in the sidebar to the right